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Strategic Role of the AU's Wise Group in Peace Consolidation

Monday 24 March 2025 - 10:10
Strategic Role of the AU's Wise Group in Peace Consolidation

The Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU), chaired by Morocco for March, has emphasized the strategic role of the Wise Group in conflict prevention, mediation, and peace consolidation.

In a statement following its meeting on the activities of the Wise Group and its subsidiary mechanisms—Panwise Network, Femwise-Africa, and WiseYouth—the PSC highlighted the essential advisory role of the Wise Group to the Council and the AU Commission Chairperson regarding new challenges in peace and security.

The PSC commended the ongoing efforts of the Wise Group in preventive diplomacy, noting its commitment to various situations across the continent that have contributed to fostering dialogue and political stability.

Additionally, the PSC encouraged the continued deployment of Femwise-Africa members in AU-led preventive diplomacy and electoral observation missions, calling for increased financial and technical support for the network.

Acknowledging the operationalization of the WiseYouth Network in October 2024, the PSC urged a deeper integration of WiseYouth members into AU mediation processes. It expressed support for enhanced capacity-building efforts to strengthen youth-led conflict prevention initiatives.

Furthermore, the PSC encouraged close collaboration between WiseYouth and the Pan-African Youth Union to promote greater youth participation in peace processes.

The PSC requested the AU Commission to allocate the necessary resources to enable the Wise Group and its subsidiary mechanisms to timely support the PSC's activities in conflict prevention through mediation and dialogue in Africa.

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